

Pass Caec

You can have your CAEC and eat it too.

The Canadian Adult Education Credential is a new national credential for high school equivalency with adoption from many of the provinces. As a an adult learner, you can register to and take the five exams at a local testing centre. To help you succeed, CAEC prep providers are working to offer online and in-person course offerings. 

So the passcaec.com web app has arrived. The Foundational Learning Community of Practice has started work on developing a passcaec.com web app that you can use to book, prep, and test your way to success with CAEC. It will offer a directory of testing centres and prep providers. It will provide access to CAEC prep course offerings and CAEC practice tests. It will describe the needed test taking requirements and steps. 

Below is a screenshot of the home page for the web app. We will be reaching out for ideas and input in the coming week.

To find out more and stay up to date, join our mailing list or check back here for future posts about passcaec.com . 


Foundational Learning Conference 2025

The theme of the conference is advocacy for CAEC as a first step. Its aim is to promote dialogue, community, and action in support of CAEC as a viable and national solution for high school equivalency and advancement of foundational learning.

As the keynote speaker, Ken Steele, Chief Futurist at Eduvation, will speak about CAEC and its role in the current foundational learning landscape. He will invite community members to contribute to a shared understanding.


Hilgartner Learning is an established adult learning practitioner, partner, consultant, and provider.


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Stand up and join fellow community practitioners at the Foundational Learning Conference 2025 on March 20, 2025.

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